
You have just bought your new skates what is the next step?

Published 16 February 2024

Skate enthusiasts are well aware of the escalating prices within the industry over recent years. This trend has transformed the purchase of skates from a mere transaction into a long-term investment. As the cost of acquiring quality skates continues to rise, it becomes imperative for individuals to maximize the longevity and performance of their gear. Whether you're a seasoned skater or just breaking into the sport, making the most out of your investment is paramount. At MonkeySports, we understand the significance of this investment and are committed to ensuring that our customers derive optimal value from their skate purchase. Our comprehensive guide is designed to equip you with the knowledge and techniques necessary to prolong the lifespan and enhance the performance of your new skates. From the moment you unbox your pristine pair of skates, to the exhilarating experience of gliding effortlessly on the ice, our guide will accompany you every step of the way. We delve into crucial aspects such as maintenance, proper fitting, and breaking in your skates to ensure comfort and longevity. By following our expert advice, you'll not only extend the lifespan of your skates but also elevate your skating experience to new heights. Say goodbye to premature wear and subpar performance, and hello to countless hours of enjoyment on your trusted pair of skates. Invest wisely, skate confidently, and let MonkeySports be your trusted companion on your skating journey. Explore our comprehensive guide today and unlock the full potential of your new skates!

Step 1) Heat Molding Your New Hockey Skates

When you've just purchased a shiny new pair of skates, it's a smart move to consider heat molding them, commonly known as baking. However, not all skates are created equal in this regard. While heat molding can benefit all skates, the real magic happens with mid to high-end models. These skates boast top-notch inner liners and materials, ensuring a snug fit and faster break-in time after baking. On the flip side, lower-end skates may not fare as well. With their less durable materials, baking could actually accelerate wear and reduce support. To ensure the best outcome, leave the baking process to the pros. Trust the skilled staff at MonkeySports to handle this delicate task with precision, preserving the quality and longevity of your skates.

Heat molding skates is a popular technique that accelerates the break-in period, reducing the time it takes to overcome that initial stiffness characteristic of new skates. Moreover, this method facilitates a custom fit by shaping the inner liner to match your unique foot contours, eliminating any unwanted gaps within the boot. As a result, your energy transfer with each stride is maximized, enhancing performance on the ice.

Once you've made the decision to proceed with the heat molding process, our expert team at MonkeySports will take charge. Your skates will be carefully placed in our specialized oven, where they'll undergo the molding process for approximately three minutes. Afterward, you'll be guided to lace up your skates swiftly yet meticulously and remain seated for seven minutes. Around the seven-minute mark, you'll have the opportunity to stand up and walk around, allowing the skates to adjust further. For optimal results, it's advised to refrain from skating for a full 24 hours post-molding, allowing the materials to settle properly.

After undergoing the heat molding process, persistent discomfort in your feet while wearing the skates may indicate a mismatch between the skate's fit and your foot shape. Skate models vary in width, with some offering a narrower fit and others a wider one. Hence, consulting with a specialist at your local MonkeySports store is crucial to finding the perfect fit. Utilizing Bauer's 3D foot scanner, available at every MonkeySports store, can also aid in pinpointing the ideal skate model for you. If minor discomfort persists, another option is to consider rebaking the skates. However, it's advisable to limit this to one additional baking session. Repeated baking can compromise the boot's integrity, potentially reducing its lifespan.

Step 2) Sharpening Your New Hockey Skates

After heat molding your skates, the next step is to ensure your blades are properly sharpened.

How Sharp Should My Hockey Skates Be?

When you visit the blade sharpening station at your local MonkeySports store and ask for a sharpening, you'll often be prompted with, 'What do you want them cut at?' But what does this mean exactly? Essentially, it refers to the depth of the hollow cut into the bottom of the blade, shaping the edges on each side. The options typically range from a 1-inch to a 3/8-inch radius, each with its own set of advantages and drawbacks. Opting for a 1-inch radius (a flatter hollow) can enhance top-end speed and glide while reducing fatigue, though it may compromise agility in turns and stops. On the other hand, a 3/8-inch cut allows for quicker turns and faster acceleration but may sacrifice some speed and glide due to deeper edge penetration into the ice. Ultimately, the decision boils down to your personal playstyle and preferences.

How Often Do I Need to Get My Skates Sharpened?

The frequency of blade sharpening varies based on player preference and ice time. While some opt for sharpening after each game, others may do so every few months, with a general recommendation of every 12 hours of use. However, factors like contact with abrasive surfaces such as concrete or metal drains in locker rooms may necessitate more frequent sharpening to prevent blade nicks and maintain an even skating surface. Additionally, the quality of the blades, such as aftermarket options like BladeTech or Step Steel, which boast durability and outer coatings, may require less frequent sharpening to ensure prolonged performance and longevity.

How Can I Tell If My Skates Need Sharpening?

If you don't have a regular sharpening schedule, you can rely on the classic "fingernail" test to determine if your blades need sharpening. Simply run your fingernail lightly across the edge of the blade. If it glides smoothly without catching, it's likely time for a sharpening. Alternatively, lightly running your finger along the top of the blade can also reveal any nicks or rounded areas, indicating the need for sharpening. Exercise caution when handling the steel runners to avoid injury.

Step 3) Lacing Hockey Skates

Skate Lace Types

Following the sharpening, you will probably want to relace the skates to your preference with either the same laces or with new skate laces. There are two different options you can go with when choosing laces: waxed laces or non-waxed laces. Both have their pros and cons.

Waxed Skate Lace

Waxed laces offer superior durability and retention, staying tight longer compared to traditional laces. Their enhanced grip and ease of tying provide greater control, especially in critical areas. With fused tips, they resist fraying, ensuring hassle-free threading through eyelets and a longer lifespan. However, they may be challenging to untie and could feel uncomfortable to the touch. In colder temperatures, waxed laces may stiffen, increasing the risk of snapping.

Unwaxed Skate Lace

Non-waxed laces offer affordability and a soft texture, making them a budget-friendly option. However, they can be challenging to tighten and maintain tension, lack durability, and are prone to fraying without fused tips. Additionally, non-waxed laces are susceptible to water absorption, potentially impacting performance.

Skate Lace Methods

After determining what type of laces you want to go with, you will want to determine the best way to lace up your skates. There are various methods, but the most common are the inside criss cross and the outside criss cross.

Inside Criss Cross

The inside criss cross is a simple criss cross with the laces going through the inside of the eyelets. This process consists of taking one end of the lace and stringing it through the inside of the corresponding eyelet on the other side of the skate. Do this process, alternating each lace, until you reach the top. This style is the quickest and easiest to complete.

Outside Criss Cross

Another option would be the outside criss cross. This process is the same as the one before, but instead of going through the inside of each eyelet, you would feed the lace through the outside of the eyelets and repeat this process all the way up to the top. The benefits of this would be that you get a tighter hold than going through the inside. This process is quick and easy to complete, as well.

Step 4) Taking Care of your Hockey Skates

After completing a skating session, it's important to give your expensive skates proper care rather than simply tossing them into your equipment bag. Proper maintenance is crucial for maximizing their longevity and performance.

First and foremost, it's essential to take your skates, along with all other gear, out of your hockey bag and let them air dry. Allowing air to circulate around them facilitates faster drying. Consider using a few sprays of CaptOdor inside each skate to combat odors, keeping them fresh for longer. Additionally, removing the footbeds from the skates not only allows them to air dry but also prevents rust from forming on the rivets that attach the holder to the bottom of the skate. These footbeds can also benefit from a light spray of CaptOdor for added freshness. When air drying your skates, ensure the surrounding area is neither too hot nor humid, as this can significantly slow down the drying process or even halt it altogether. If unavoidable, consider using a blow dryer on a cool setting to expedite drying.

While the skates themselves are crucial, the blades they glide on are equally vital! Once you step off the ice and remove your skates, it's essential to use blade soakers to wipe off any lingering ice, effectively preventing rust formation. I find it helpful to place the skates on top of the blade soakers while I remove the rest of my gear, allowing the blades to air dry. Only after this process do I put on the blade soakers.

you find yourself needing to replace your steel due to rust or cracking, the process with Bauer LightSpeed EDGE holders is straightforward. Simply press the grey trigger on the back of the holder, firmly pull up on the back of the blade, and it should release easily. Once you've acquired compatible steel for the EDGE holders, such as Step Steel, BladeTech, or Massive Steel, insert the front portion of the blade into the holder first, then move to the back. Use a cloth over the top to firmly press until you feel it securely click into place. Using the CCM XS holder is straightforward and efficient. To replace blades, simply press the Quick Release Trigger on the back of the holder, remove the old blade, and insert the new one, ensuring it clicks securely into place. Give it a gentle tug to confirm the blade is properly seated. Adjustments can be made as needed for optimal performance. Repeat the process for the other skate, and you're ready to hit the ice with confidence.

You will also want to ensure that you select the correct size steel. On the bottom of your holder, you will find a three-digit number that indicates the size steel you will need.

When to Replace Hockey Skates

At some stage in your hockey journey, the inevitability of needing a new pair of hockey skates arises. But how do you discern when that moment has arrived? While there isn't a fixed number of hours you should clock in them before considering a replacement, several unmistakable signs can guide your decision to invest in a new pair.

While some individuals may cling to the same pair of skates for years due to their comfort and fit, ignoring these concerns can lead to diminished skating performance and reduced protection.

Purchasing a new pair of hockey skates can feel overwhelming, regardless of your age or experience level. From baking them to selecting the right sharpening preferences and choosing laces, there are several steps to consider. While there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution, our comprehensive guide aims to provide you with valuable insights to streamline the skate buying process. Armed with this knowledge and your customized skates, you're now prepared to hit the ice and score some goals!





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